Ok kiddies today is day one of Second City Prepper. Second City as in Chicago and Prepper as in preparing for the (
fill in the blank) APOCALYPSE.
I'm hoping to cover everything from food and water sources to urban gardening, self defense and well you get the picture. Keeping in mind that I live in the absolute
MOST RESTRICTIVE City/County in the Nation. I will keep all discussions about weaponry with this in mind. It would make 0 sense to discuss NFA regulated weapons when you can't legally have a 12 round magazine for your handgun. So we'll keep everything nice and tidy and legal like for the benefit of many like minded Cook County Citizens.
So you ask yourself what are we prepping for? I get tons of different answers and depending who you ask so will you. Solar Flares, EMP's, Infrastructure Collapse, Hyper Inflation, Natural Disasters, Terrorism, Illuminati's etc. The cause can be anything, It the solutions for survival we'll be discussing here. Now seriously I am NOT a fan of the show "Doomsday Preppers" by any stretch of the imagination. The show seems to illustrate "preppers" as obsessed crackpots waiting for the zombies to arrive. Not So.
A lot of us are just run of the mill John and Jane Doe's that get up and go to work every day just like you. The difference is we're on alert and studying our surroundings all the time. I seriously can't ride the El without sizing up everyone on it and deciding who is the highest probable terrorist. It's like a little game I play to entertain myself and make my commute that much less boring. I can pick out the outline on an undercover cop's pancake holster and damn near tell what model pistol he's carrying. Little things I've picked up just by being "switched on" on my train ride to and from work. Try it sometime when you ride the train the train to work you'll actually scare yourself at how well you can pick out the best prospect. Granted it's not 100% fool proof, Lord knows bad guys come in all shapes and sizes and genders.